This is a faith-based story of a little Girl named Emily, in a small town of Hawthorne, who loses her dog Scooby, to a tragic hit and run accident by a neighborhood alcoholic.
Oftentimes we hear that a tragedy brings people together. In the small town of Hawthorne tucked far in the woods. A very well knit and small community, whose faith was strong. They didn’t miss a day at Church, Pastor Chad taught them all about love, a servant’s heart, and forgiveness. But the moment an adversity set in such as this major election that came upon the Hawthorn Community, everything that they had learned went right down the drain.
Because some decided not to vote for the candidate that they thought everyone should have voted for.
Immediately that once knitted church, (community) turned into a divided community. Losing Scooby and the faith, and forgiveness that Emily displays in this movie, will be a positive driving force for others to let go of unforgiveness that they have been carrying for such a very long time. Some of those characters being Emily’s Mother for one was angry and had some unforgiveness in her heart toward her Mother because as a child her Mother did not believe her when she told her that her Uncle Kirk had been touching on her .
Along with other characters in the movie like Pastor Chad, after losing his wife and two daughters in an accident, he held unforgiveness toward the man that ran a red light crashing into him and his family killing his wife and two daughters. Many other characters like John the drunk driver that killed Scooby.
He became this alcoholic because of the neglect and abuse he endured from his father, and he turned around and treated his own son the same way causing unforgiveness to build up in his son. Emily’s courage and strength to forgive the drunk driver who killed Scooby, will unite the community of Hawthorne, which once thrived together in love, faith, and hope. The forgiveness and unity that this tragedy will bring about will show others around the world how forgiveness is relevant, and that God commands it and that it can ultimately lead to the healing of a nation as well as a community.
It’s sad that Emily had to experience losing her dog, and seeing her church family and community split apart due to an election.
The lesson shown here is to show people that sometimes in the face of adversity, or tragedy, that good can come out of it in one way or another.
1. Scooby’s Gone-Faith Based
2. My Life-Drama
3. Stuck Inside-Faith based
4. Ms. Pepper- Comedy
5. Mercy-Faith Based
6. Ramesh-Adventure
7. The Counsel-Drama